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Minimize your inventory & warehousing costs. Take advantage of higher volume purchase prices. Carry minimal excess stock into next year!        

Here's how it works…  

  • If you plan to sell 1,000 parts this year, play it safe and commit to a lower amount…we suggest you order 75% of expected sales.
  • If your sales are on target - then great! Just let us know ASAP & we'll Store the balance on OUR shelf & Release when you're ready.
  • You get your product when you want it & avoid production waiting times.
  • Schedule your ship dates in advance. If your demands change - simply email us the new schedule.
  • Each partial shipment is invoiced upon shipping.

Store & Release can lower your unit costs. You get your shipments when you need them - spread out over a 6 to 12 month period.             

Store & Release is a great way to improve cash flow & free up shelf space.            

The benefits…

  • Improve your cash flow.
  • Reduces unit costs.
  • Reduces warehouse floor space requirements.
  • Reduces lead times for just-in-time delivery.
  • Respond quickly to customer demands.
  • Inventory is there when you need it!